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Our Services

Coffee production

At Olkai, we are dedicated to producing exceptional coffee that embodies the perfect blend of indigenous knowledge and professional expertise. Through a harmonious partnership with local farmers, we bring you the finest quality coffee beans. Our state-ofthe-art stations employ Four distinct coffee processing methods: Natural, Washed,Anaerobic, and Honey. This approach unlocks the distinct flavors and aromas that make our coffee truly exceptional.

Coffee Export

With a reputation for excellence, Olkai Coffee has been a trusted provider of high-quality coffee to the international market. Our commitment to delivering excellence extends to our export services. We ensure that our coffee reaches our global partners with utmost efficiency, offering competitive prices without compromising on quality. With Olkai Coffee, you can rely on timely deliveries, ensuring your customers receive the finest coffee experience.

Why Olkai?


Unparalleled Quality: We cultivate our coffee beans by ensuring they are grown under ideal conditions and harvested at peak ripeness.


Distinct Flavor Profiles: Our coffee beans embody the diverse characteristics of Ethiopian coffee. From the floral and citrus notes of Guji to the rich chocolate and berry undertones of West Guji.


Direct Farm-to-Cup Approach: We believe in maintaining transparency and fostering direct relationships with our partner farms. By working closely with local farmers, we ensure fair trade practices and support the livelihoods of the
communities involved in coffee cultivation.


Quality Control at Every Step: Our team of experienced
coffee experts selects each batch of coffee with utmost care.


Sustainable Practices: Sustainability is at the core of our
operations. We prioritize environmentally friendly practices
throughout the coffee production process, from cultivation
to export.